
Nancy Wood
B.A., MBA.
A dedicated community leader, Nancy co-founded McLeod Wood with her partner Merv Mcleod 25 years ago. Her motivation stems from her desire to help improve the standard of living and lives of the indigenous communities that she serves. Working with the communities is a unique and often humbling experience, as most many are remote, and generally have limited resources and lack of capacity. The ability to get things done, successfully, respectfully, while being mindful of the future opportunities ahead is why communities choose Mcleod Wood.
- Born in Peru at 12 000 ft altitude
- Greatest learning experience is understanding the traditions and culture of the Indigenous Communities that she has had the honour to work with
- Grew up in Northern Ontario
- Worked in Mining in Northern Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia
- Diploma in Mining Technology & degrees in Management Economics and Business
- Skilled in Project Management, Public Participation and Negotiations support
- Sees every challenge as an opportunity to be solved

Merv McLeod
Merv’s commitment to his client’s success is clear when he talks about outcomes. “I was enormously proud when I saw a recently picture of a young community member who is working for Five Nations Energy Inc. as a sub-station technician. This high skill job did not exist in the community not very long ago, and if it did exist—I am not sure if the opportunity would have been available to him.
Merv has a strong background in negotiations, land and resource stewardship and stakeholder engagement. His dedication to capacity building and skills training is once again reflected in the amount of people from the Taykwa Tagamou Nation who work at the Detour Gold Mine as a result of the impact benefits agreement that he assisted inwhere he led the negotiating team. On a daily basis, Merv ensures that the information flow to all parties that are invested in the project is well co-ordinated so that informed decisions can be made quickly. His 25-year vision remains the same: collectively working toward the creation of a hope in the future for indigenous youth.
- Grew up in Moose Factory
- Member of the Kashechewan First Nation
- Has a degree in Public Administration
- Has taken advanced training in Negotiations Support
Our Projects
Large Project Developments
Kimesskanemenow Limited Partnership
KLP is responsible for the ongoing management of a seasonal winter road along the western coast of James Bay that serves four remote First Nations communities. Nancy serves as the President of the LP and is responsible for the ongoing project management including quality control of the construction and maintenance of this multi-million-dollar 310km ice road. Nancy’s work includes negotiation with the federal and provincial governments regarding ongoing funding and ensuring that the owner communities maximize the benefits from the road construction and maintenance activities. Nancy also liaises with the First Nations communities serviced by the road.
Other Projects
- Aamjiwnaang and Walpole Island (Bkejwanong) First Nations
- Five Nations Energy Inc.
Consultation and Engagement
Provincial Ministries: MWA has assisted various provincial Ministries with consultations with potentially affected Ontario First Nations related to regulatory and policy changes. This work included engaging with communities to seek input into the potential effects of the changes and developing reports to the Ministries with this input.
Other Projects
- Aamjiwnaang First Nation: MWA assisted Aamjiwnaang in the development of a consultation protocol to be used by the Environment Department.
- NextBridge Infrastructure
- Atikameksheng Anishnawbek: MWA provided comments on the closure plan for the former Victoria Mine.
Taykwa Tagamou Nation /Coral Rapids Power Inc: MWA has assisted in negotiations and concluded agreements with DeBeers Canada Inc., Yellow Falls Power Limited Partnership, and Ontario Power Generation Inc. MWA has also provided management and advisory services to Coral Rapids Power Inc., a corporation of the Taykwa Tagamou Nation formed to pursue hydroelectric development opportunities.
Other Projects
- Taykwa Tagamou Nation /Detour Gold Mines:
- MoCreebec Eeyoud Council of the Crees: negotiations with Ontario Power Generation and the Governments of Canada and Ontario regarding a land base for the community.
Board Training and Corporate Support
Fort Albany Power Corporation, Kashechewan Power Corporation, Attawapiskat Power Corporations: MWA developed the operating business models and provided training to the senior management and to the Board of Directors. Currently, Nancy Wood provides administrative and regulatory support as needed, as well as training for the Boards of Directors as needed.
Indigenous Awareness Training
MWA has assisted various private sector companies, including Walker Industries and Agnico Eagle Mines with Aboriginal Awareness Training.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry: MWA, working with Chimpanzee, assisted the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry with their redesign of their internal Indigenous Awareness Training modules.
Business and Strategic Planning
MWA has developed a wide variety of business and strategic plans for Indigenous companies including:
- Wunnumin Lake Power Corporation
- CreeWest Group
- Fort Albany, Kashechewan, and Attawapiskat Power Corporations
- Manto Sipi First Nation Quarry Business Plan
- Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation Community Economic Development Strategic Plan
- Nipissing First Nation – Generation Guide
What our clients say
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Providing responsiveness, expertise, and unwavering focus.
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